new airport city masterplan

The masterplan provides both the planning efficiency sought by the manufacturing and support industries required to support New Airport and an informal planning morphology in the human-scaled areas that adds back into the mixture the joy of the unexpected event, the chance encounter, the need to make the city home. Functionally, it is an airport city; experientially it is of and for people. 

Islamic tiling patterns are a well-known and refined cultural tradition that formed the starting point for The team’s search for an appropriate urban morphology for New Airport City. Based upon the simple concept of point, line and interlocking circles it is possible to construct a wide variety of simple and complex self-repeating patterns, as seen in Islamic art and architecture the world over. An area distribution based on the
interlocking circles principle can be used to create Airport City’s base grid. However by its nature a self-repeating pattern limits the opportunity for the vagaries of the program and its organic growth over time. To achieve this The team has exploited the mathematic technique known as
Voronoi tesselation to provide a responsive, organic and equitably scaled distribution of precincts in accordance with their required size and
relative location to each other.



LOCATION : Middle East

CLIENT : Classified

YEARS : 2010-2012

STATUS : Competition

PROGRAM : Masterplan 

COLLABORATORS: Grimshaw Architects