
mapo park proposal

Historically the park has been inseparable with the landscape design which reproduces the framed scene of land and nature. The word “landscape” derives from scenic paintings of the land and nature. They predated the practice of designing and constructing actual land. While the practice of scenic landscape emphasizes the opportunity to capture the frame of dynamic nature in an artificial way, it leaves a limited capacity to provide flexibility which is innate to the protean nature. The frozen frame of cultured modern parks seemed was believed to deliver a duplicated experience of infinite time and space of nature. However ironically it failed to provide the multitude of flexibility due to the conflict between scenic view of artificiality and the possibility of event within actual nature. 

Furthermore the practice of framing the nature in a cultured ways has influenced the way the land is prescribed and controlled. The framing eliminated the chance of expansion of field which was once inherent in the natural field. From the perspective of innate energy and event, artificially frozen frame of dynamic scene tends to mimic the dynamic nature but strictly limit the possibility of dynamic event and activities due to the controlled prescription of landscape. 

The old fashioned design of park might not need to provide flexible adaptability. However the contemporary park will not meet the desire to contain all social and political need if it is framed as a scenic park. The site should be rejuvenated with the capacity to address social needs for random event and various use instead of strictly controlled planned events quietly prescribed in the design already. 

Therefore the design of new park is intended to methodologically upset the historical methodology of ‘framing’. Once the frozen frame is deleted and the object for scenic view is dematerialized, it will erase the limit and insinuate the flexibility to prompt unlimited types of events. Also this flexibility is assisted by dematerialized landscaping language which will achieve a new prototype of park design.


LOCATION : Mapo, Seoul, Korea

CLIENT : Seoul Municipal Government

YEARS : 2015

STATUS : Competition

PROGRAM : Public Park w/ various public programs

COLLABORATORS: Architecture Work Office


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