Hunter's Point South

The project’s design is driven by a commitment to sustainable, affordable, middle-income housing that, together with thoughtfully programmed retail and community facility spaces, contributes to a dynamic, thriving community. Rather than continue the trend of insular, monolithic towers to the north, The project seeks to create a village of diverse uses that introduces innovative architecture to Hunter’s Point South.
The proposal celebrates diversity not only by providing mixedincome housing, but also by creating a mixed-use community woven together with green spaces. By incorporating plazas, courtyards, and communal sky gardens into the design, The Mosaic offers opportunities for social engagement at multiple scales. Designed to exceed Enterprise Green Communities and LEED Gold standards, The Mosaic showcases dynamic urban design and architecture that will serve as a gateway to Hunter’s Point Park and set the tone for the future development of the Hunter’s Point neighborhood.


LOCATION : Long Island City, NYC


YEARS : 2010

STATUS : Competition

PROGRAM : Mixed use (commercial and residential)

COLLABORATORS: Grimshaw Architects


PROJECT gallery